Welcome to the World Baby Girl
Here she is- I haven't figured out a nickname for her yet and if you haven't received an email on her name and we know you, you'll be getting one soon. She was born on Wednesday morning, weighing in at 9lbs 9ozs at 21 inches long.
Yeah- and the doctor guessed about 8lbs. When I said 9lbs 8ozs was my guess about a month ago he looked at me like I was crazy. This from the same man that told me at the 36 week appointment that he wasn't measuring my uterine height because I was 'way big enough'- jerk. Really I love my doctor, even though he forgot about my c-section on Wednesday morning and had to be called over from his office to perform the surgery. He raced into my labor and delivery room about 15 minutes prior to the surgery. I looked at him and said "you forgot about me?" He responded with "SO, I'm hey, I'm here, and we're not scheduled for another 15 minutes, so technically I'm on time." He's lucky I really like him and I'm lucky he caters to my various states of neurosis. Anyway- and here she is with the proudest big brother ever.